Monday, November 21, 2011

13 Reasons Why (I'm glad we're friends)

Our most recent read was 13 Reasons Why... a contemporary fiction for young adults..  It was about a girl who committed suicide and pointed to the 13 reasons why - hence the title.  The consensus was split about whether is was a good book or not. (This is always good for our book club discussion)   The book did, however, give me a good idea for a new post (not the suicide part, to be clear.) I wanted to make a list of reasons that I love the excuse that this book club is, not just for the pie as the motto suggests, but to hang out with you 3 wonderful friends of mine.  I'm so privileged to have you and so so sooooo glad (and amazed, really) that we keep up this tradition.   Here is to many more years of books, laughter, around-the-table-therapy, and friendship! Cheers!

13. Intellectualized... you smart women make for good conversation comrades.
12. Progressive... I am continually encouraged to become my best self thru your examples.
11. Supportable... It is a great comfort to know you've got my back.
10. Spontaneity... I double dog dare you to deny it.
9. Virtuoso... I absolutely admire that you are good women ever striving to do your best. 
8. Diverse...  I love that we are different in opinion but the same where it matters most.
7. Dependability...  You never fail me... or allow me to give up on myself.
6. Laughable.... There is nothing like funny women that enjoy being together.
5. Sanity... you are a pressure valve for me... and you remind me of who I like me to be.
4. Inspiration... remarkable in each your own way; you are amazing examples to me!
3. Funlovingness...  inside jokes, board gamers, book tamers, support group...  what fun!
2. Longevity... Book Club for 12+ years and friends for longer.
1. Friendship... y'all are the very definition of this word.

On this Be Thankful For Friends Day 2011, I sure am grateful beyond even these words to have you each in my life.
Love always,